Ripstop is typically used in making products for the outdoors. Sails, tents, sleeping bags, flags, banners, etc. It can be used as a reinforcing fabric in products or clothes made to be worn in extreme conditions.
Ripstop is ideal for tactical use—especially in situations where a tear develops while the wearer has no way to change clothes. It is also a great choice for backpacks, sports clothing, and some kinds of luggage.
Ripstop is a strong durable fabric that is surprisingly light in weight and smooth. You can find ripstop in light, medium, and heavyweights. Check out our most popular colors in SAND, GREY & OLIVE GREEN,!
SBF INTERIORS AND OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS LIMITED knows ripstop. We sell both import and domestic and do our best to try to find the type and color that you are looking for. We stock 70D 1.9 oz. Ripstop in various colors. In addition, we can get our hands on a lot of different options. If you’re interested in starting to use ripstop or if you are looking to change up the kind you usually use, feel free to contact us so we can get a sample out to you. Questions? Give us a call at +254798882837