Ripstop canvas

Ripstop canvas, (also known as ripblock or ribblock) is an acrylic treated polyester fabric with a special weave that is abrasion resistant and prevents cuts and tears from spreading. This polyester acrylic blend canvas first starts off as a basket-weave base mat which is then stitched horizontally and vertically in order to create the anti-rip effect. This high tenacity base mat is then impregnated with a coloured acrylic emulsion. The strong polyester core allows for more flexibility and durability in outdoor blinds that are regularly deployed on a daily basis, whilst the acrylic content protects the canvas against the UV-rays of the sun. Please note: even though this canvas is cheaper than, and assumed inferior to, 100% acrylic canvas, outdoor blinds made of high tenacity ripstop installed in high usage areas such as staff canteens will regularly outlast blinds made of 100% acrylic canvas and as such, is our chosen default fabric for our pulley-operated outdoor drop blinds. SBF INTERIORS AND OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS LIMITED does manufacture outdoor blinds made of 100% acrylic canvas, but only recommends these blinds for permanent, uninterrupted deployment or low mobility scenarios.

Cleaning instructions – Ripstop:

Dust: Hose down twice 3 minutes apart, allow to dry before storage.

Dirt: Hose down first to remove dust, then use a neutral detergent (good quality dish washing liquid) mixed with luke warm water, and a soft bristled brush to dislodge dirt.

Rinse and allow to dry before storage.