Are canvas tents better and are these tents worth it? The following list of pros and cons will answer your question.

One of the things that we miss the most when we stay outdoors away from home is insulation.

Our homes are built with insulation to make sure the temperature outside doesn’t affect us too much. In this aspect, canvas tents tend to be superior to polyester tents or nylon tents.

Thanks to their thicker material, canvas tents are more effective than synthetic tents at blocking the heat from the sun as well as preventing warmth from escaping the tent.

This results in a temperature inside the tent that’s cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Even if you leave your tent for such a long time under sunlight that it’s bound to heat up inside, it’ll take longer for that to happen if the tent is made from canvas.

If you’re staying inside a tent that’s poorly ventilated and it’s humid outside, there’s a possibility you’ll soon be sitting in a musty or clammy cloud.

The culprit behind this is condensation, which can turn tents into a smelly, stuffy place that you can’t wait to get out from. This issue often happens in polyester tents or nylon tents with inadequate ventilation as the synthetic tent material itself is not breathable.

On the other hand, cotton canvas tents are more breathable. So even if the ventilation isn’t ideal in the tent, the material can help alleviate the condensation to a less unpleasant level.

When you’re camping outdoors, one of the reasons you’re there is to enjoy what nature has to offer. The fresh air, the sounds, and of course, the sunlight.

So imagine how bumped you’d be when your tent doesn’t let sunlight inside your tent. Not only won’t you be able to see very well unless you use another light source, but it’s also downright depressing!

If that doesn’t bother you, then to each their own. However, if you’re one of the many campers who like to illuminate the interior of their tents with morning sunlight, stick to lighter-colored canvas material instead of the commonly dark-colored synthetic tent materials.

The reverse also holds true. If you’re a late riser, be wary of light-colored tents.

Canvas tents are meant for heavy-duty use that demands improved protection.

This is often associated with camping for a long period in the same place because canvas tents offer excellent protection but take time to set up.

If you know you’ll be in one spot for more than a few days, then a canvas tent is more suitable.