Foundation Stones

Stone blocks used in the foundation must be standard 9 inch uncut stones better known as “nines” or approximately 228.6 mm. Technically if you take a tape measure, it comes to a round 8 inches or more. Foundation stones need not to be chiseled (chonga) since only a small part of the foundation is visible from the ground. Even by appearance if you want to know 9 inch stones, they are huge blocks with a wide base when placed up unlike standard 6 inch stones. 6 inch stones are more rectangular in appearance with a thin base when placed up on a column. Anyone who has construction knowledge will easily show you how they look and the best quality.

I would personally recommend blue stones better known as ‘blue’ as they are very hard and compact. They are in limited supply in most quarries depending with your location. Other suitable alternative are also grey and brownish.

There are two types of building stones which come in different sizes.
(a) Manually cut stones
The manually cut stones are always of standard quality standards
6’inch KSH 25/-
9’ inch KSH 30/-

(b) Machine Cut Stones
The machine cut stones come in different Quality and prices.
Quality Stones
6’inch from KSH 30/-
9’ inch from KSH 35/-

For the 6’ Stone, truck carries a maximum of 800 stones,
For the 9’ Stone, truck carries a maximum of 600 stones.