Why Canvas Tents Rule

Canvas Tents vs. Nylon Tents: Why Canvas is the Best Tent Material

Tents made from cotton canvas are breathable, waterproof, environmentally friendly, and insulating. Most camping tents are made from plastics (nylon, polyester) which are cheap to manufacture but lack the durability and weather resistance of canvas. Learn why Canvas makes the best tent material – and how canvas tents compare to plastic tents.

Canvas Wins:-Canvas Tent Breathability

Humidity is the most critical factor in environmental comfort for humans. Humidity impacts sweat evaporation which is how the human body regulates temperature. Unlike plastic tents, canvas allows small moisture particles from breath, sweat, and cooking to escape directly through the tent fabric. Keeping you dry and comfortable in any environment.

Plastic Tent Breathability

Non-breathable vapor-impermeable plastic fabric prevents moisture from sweat and breath from escaping the tent. High humidity means sweat won’t evaporate, making it feel even hotter (or colder) inside than outside. Plastic tents don’t breathe; they rely on vents to circulate moist air out and draw fresh air in. 


Canvas Wins:-Canvas Tent Durability

Tents made from cotton canvas are tough, rip resistant, and repairable. Pre-treated and re-treatable, a properly maintained canvas tent can hold up to years of use. Rips and tears from falling branches or extreme winds can be sewn up by hand in the field with a simple needle and thread and a few strokes of candle wax for waterproofing. Complex repairs or customization can be tackled with a sewing machine.

Plastic Tent Durability

Ripping and tearing easily, synthetic tent fabric is nearly impossible to repair to full working order permanently. Small tears (less than 1”) can be patched with tape, however, the tension on the fabric often means tape is a short-term fix which must be applied in dry weather for the adhesive to stick properly. Although nylon tents are cheap to buy – any damage can result in a ruined camping trip and require a total tent replacement.