SBF INTERIORS AND OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS LIMITED deals with supply and installation of car parking shades Kenya and the entire East Africa region. Every single design starts with the precise measurement of the recipient vehicle to ensure that the shade frame fits as precisely as the client would want it to.

A Car Parking Shade & Carport is a covered parking area, ideal for home-residential & commercial use to shelter your car and also act as fantastic patio and entrance cover from any harsh weather, which means that the paintwork on your cars, motorcycles, caravans, trailers and even boats will last longer.

Our carports are made from tough and durable shade net material. All our carports are built to last, ensuring that the product will last for years to come. During the hot weather months, your car will be kept cool and the paintwork shielded from UV rays. During the colder months, wind and rain will all be kept at bay.

Getting to and from your car will no longer expose you to bad weather and the open sides and roof design means that you will still get natural light through to your windows, unlike the dark atmosphere of a garage.

Our quality workmanship coupled with the finest design and materials protect your car from ultra violet rays, excessive sun and hazardous weather conditions. We offer Car Shade Ports and shade cloth which can be designed and fitted to your exact needs. All of our materials are top quality and consist of two types: waterproof car shade ports and non-water proof car shade ports.

Therefore its critical for you to install car port shade at your residency or commercial premises to ensure that your vehicle is covered when it’s out there. Here are some reasons we’ve gathered for you that will help you want to request us install car port shades.

Waterproof car ports and vehicle parking shades will keep your car dry and protect it from the UV rays of the sun, which can be harmful on the car’s exterior. The non-waterproof car shade fabric is breathable which allows the hot air from humid temperatures to pass through it. It also protects from the UV rays at the same time.

Optimize your open space with the ground breaking shading solution our shade are suitable for both residential carports, commercial car parks, Car wash areas, Shopping centers, Sporting clubs, Restaurants and Patio.

Convenience– The great thing about car shades is that they are technically built with NO SIDE COVERS and this in itself offers convenience when you get home or to work carrying various packages. You will be able to carry them out with much ease. Car port by the virtue of being without much accessories will help in saving on electricity and energy unlike other type of storage facilities.

Its cheaper and add value to a home; consider selling your property to a seller and it will make much sense. When you need to sell a home without a garage, a car port  in Nairobi offers a cheaper replacement in that people won’t feel discouraged to buy a home without a garage since the carport shade is already in place.