Clear Curtains | Indoor Outdoor

Clear curtains are ideal for indoor and outdoor applications. Made to your exact size and specifications. The clear PVC curtains are used inside offices, shops, houses, hospitals and industrial facilities for a wide range of uses. Waterproof and slick PVC material make them easy to clean and durable for many years of use. The 20mil clear is ideal for inside applications and 40mil clear is ideal for outdoor applications. The installation is easy, quick and you do not need any special equipment.

What is Clear PVC curtain?

Clear PVC Curtains are exactly what the name suggests, long and narrow strips of weighty PVC which are hung together to form partition walls or strip curtains.

Fortunately, PVC strip curtains offer a practical and cost-effective solution by serving as a barrier between two environments. But their benefits extend beyond this primary function, making them a versatile addition to any space. Here are just a few of the advantages they can offer across a range of applications:

One of the most significant benefits of using Clear-PVC curtains is their ability to help control temperature. By creating a barrier between two different environments, Clear-PVC curtains can help to maintain consistent temperatures in two different areas. This is particularly beneficial in areas such as cold storage rooms, where temperature control is essential.

Temperature control also has the added benefit of improving employee productivity.

By helping to maintain consistent temperatures in different areas, Clear-PVC curtains can also help to retain heat and save energy in the long run. This is particularly beneficial in areas such as warehouse loading bays, where a constant draught can put pressure on heating or cooling systems, resulting in high energy bills.

Clear-PVC curtains can also help to reduce noise levels. They can act as efficient sound absorbers and noise insulators, ideal for areas where noise levels must be kept to a minimum, particularly in loading bays or areas close to busy roads. They also make the working environment more comfortable for employees as loud working environments can cause exhaustion, distraction, and stress.