Our Carport’s tough steel frame is multi-coated for superior resistance to rust and corrosion. Every welded joint meets the stringent industry standards set by the Kenyan Welding Society.

Your shade cover will be a commercial-grade, all-American structure, not a shaky import that’s going to be flattened in the next storm.

When you buy your shade structure from SBF INTERIORS AND OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS LIMITED you’re dealing directly with the people who make it. That means no middle-man price markup.

You’re also dealing with the same people guaranteeing the product – with a direct personal stake in its quality. And we happen to have the best warranty and reputation in the industry!

Our SBF shade canopies come with not one, but two guarantees. First, the shade fabric is unconditionally guaranteed for five years against degradation from the sun’s UV radiation.

Second, all your steel frame’s components carry our exclusive twenty-year Customer Care Warranty.


Various colours of shade cloth and poles are available and can be colour coded.

The steel used for the framework is only A grade steel and all shade netting used is 90-95% UV sun block out. There is now a completely waterproof shade netting available on the market too where no mist spray comes through the shade net whilst raining. The shade net is sewn together with a double needle stitch for maximum strength and a galvanised cable is used to secure the shade cloth to the steel framework. Re-stitching and replacement of old nets also done.

We do repairs and maintenance to existing structures, nets are replaced at a reasonable cost. We provide different shade ports structures depending on the requirements.