Benefits of Using a Car shade All Year Round

If we need to persuade you more on why you should be using a CARPORT then maybe preventing your electronics from overheating will do the trick. Most electronic devices function best between 21-26 degrees Celsius. Anything over this, and your electronics can begin to overheat, become damaged and require repair. A larger repair bill, especially in comparison to the cost of a parking shade.

Whilst we advocate for not storing your electronics in the car, we know this isn’t always possible, or sometimes mistakes can easily be made. The best way to keep your electronics safe is by taking measures to keep the vehicle as cool as possible, which is exactly what a car parking shade is designed to do. The parking shade may not prevent your car from reaching the advised temperatures for your devices, but it should keep it cool enough to prevent any damage.

Car shades are quite the multitasker, capable of solving and preventing a host of annoyances, not just keeping your car at a bearable temperature. Car shade use can be an effective tool for protecting the interior of the vehicle from UV rays. Just like the sun’s effects on our skin, our car’s interior can also get a little worse for wear over years of sun damage. With frequent use, you can ensure UV rays won’t be fading your console, dashboard and upholstery or cracking steering wheel.

When Should I Use a Car Parking Shade?

A sunshade isn’t something you ought to only use during summer, you can benefit from it all year round.

During the cold rainy season:

Using a car shade in winter can help insulate the heat that’s generated from the engine whilst driving, as well as the air conditioning.

During the sunny season:

We all know how warm it can get during summer. So the use of a car shade during this season should be essential if you aren’t wanting to climb into an oven every afternoon. The reflective properties of a shade net material used in the carports will reflect sunlight and create more shade in the interior of your car. The results: a cooler car and a happier, more comfortable you!