What is ripstop fabric?

Ripstop fabric is any fabric constructed using the ripstop weaving technique. The technique is recognised by its square pattern and prominent presence of thick reinforcement yarns.

Does ripstop nylon fray?

Yes. Ripstop is the name of a textile fibre weave technique. Most people assume that this weave has something to do with stopping rips from occurring. It doesn’t. What it does is stop rips from spreading once they begin. 

In technical terms, ripstop prevents a tear from fully breaking the structure of the fabric. A tear might get started, but it will extend no further than the weave’s thick reinforcement yarns located a few millimeters away.

This capability makes ripstop ideal for tactical use—especially in situations where a tear develops while the wearer is in the middle of an op and has no way to change clothes.

Is nylon ripstop fabric waterproof?

Yes, it can be made waterproof or given water-repellency. Waterproofing requires the fabric be laminated; water-repellency requires the fibres be impregnated.

Is nylon ripstop breathable?

The weaving technique has no effect on breathability. Breathability is characterized by three  dimensions: air; water permeability; and water-volume absorption. Ripstop tends to feel breathable, but that’s because cotton—a highly breathable fabric—is often used as one of the materials in the weave.

Breathability is primarily affected by the density of the weave. The more densely woven the fabric, the less breathability it offers. Ripstop in one sense can be associated with a dense weave: to propagate greater durability (less tearing), more yarn is added to a “segment” (also known as the ripstop square). However, this same construction strategy can also yield larger air holes, which allows for better breathability but at the sacrifice of durability.

Breathability is also primarily affected by the type of fabric used in the garment. A fabric characterized by fluffy fibers will lack breathability when compared to one without fluffy fibers. Indeed, the fluffier the fibers, the less breathable the fabric feels.

What is ripstop nylon fabric?

Ripstop nylon fabric is a term that means the fabric’s body threads and reinforcement threads are entirely nylon.