With a focus on the ever-evolving demands of our customers, we have come up with a wide range of uniquely designed washing area shade canopy-laundry area shade awning whose features include


One Even though the general main use of canopy or awning is to sit underneath it and enjoy the outdoors, they have many other uses too.

Some of our customers have expressed how they regularly hang their washing out under their washing area shade canopy-laundry area shade awning when there is uncertainty of rain which is what inspired us to introduce the washing area shade canopy-laundry area shade awning.


We have gained recognition as an eminent enterprise, devotedly engaged in manufacturing a broad range of  washing area shade canopy-laundry area shade awning with the following features


Pioneer in the industry, we are engaged in manufacturing an impeccable range of washing area shade canopy-laundry area shade awning with features like


Even though the general main use of canopy or awning is to sit underneath it and enjoy the outdoors, they have many other uses too.

One of those uses is to dry your laundry underneath it. How many times have you hung your washing on the line only to pop out and then it starts raining? You then find yourself at work or out and about enjoying yourself, and all you can think about is how your fresh, clean laundry is now getting soaked by the rain.

A washing area shade canopy-laundry area shade awning by SBF INTERIORS AND OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS LIMITED can put a stop to that. Simply hang your laundry on a clothes horse underneath your washing area shade canopy-laundry area shade awning, then go about your day without worrying that your washing will be wetter when you arrive home than what it was when you first put it out. You will be able to enjoy ‘washing-line fresh’ laundry more often whilst save costs by reducing the use a tumble dryer.