Shade sails are a type of canopy, usually in the shape of a rectangle or triangle. They use a flexible fabric tensioned across anchor points (support poles and/or existing structures like a building, house, or roof). They get their name from their resemblance to a ship sail. They can also be called shade structures or hip structures.

Shade sails are rapidly rising in popularity for their range of benefits. They can cover large areas at a fraction of the time and cost as other canopy structures. They’re especially effective in shading outdoor areas with greater sun exposure.

Shade sails are great for playgrounds, pools, patios and decks, seating areas, courtyards, gardens, and anywhere else a canopy is needed. Many fabricators, business owners, and homeowners prefer them for their streamlined, stylish look. So, do sun shade sails work? When installed properly, yes, they can offer effective, lasting protection from the sun.

The Need for Shade

The demand for shade is increasing. Many community playgrounds are now requiring shade structures to protect children from the sun. Homeowners need a cost-effective way to keep their pools from overheating. Backyard patio areas can be transformed into outdoor rooms with the addition of shade.

All of these applications have one thing in common: they are large spaces that can all be protected with shade sails (also called sun sails). Sun sails provide protection from harmful UV rays. These sun shade sail canopies work great as pergola and outdoor patio shades. This makes them perfect for outdoor shade in outdoor living and party spaces.