If you’re looking to spruce up a home, cafe, restaurant, or outdoor workspace, getting the right shade sails is a great first step. After all, it’s important to keep people comfortable when they’re getting the outdoor time needed for a healthy lifestyle.

It’s critical that you consider colour when selecting from multiple shade sail options. The hue of your shade impacts both the UV rating and the overall look of your residential or commercial space.

How Does Colour Affect UV Rating?

The Ultraviolet (UV) rating is also sometimes referred to as the Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF). This factor indicates how well a fabric can block out radiation from the sun’s UV light.

Higher ratings are more effective at blocking sunlight while lower ratings allow more UV rays to permeate through the fabric.

Generally, darker colours like black or navy rank more highly on the UV protection scale. This is because they absorb more light than lighter colours like white or sky blue.

Since light is energy, absorption makes the temperature of the material increase. The energy is better absorbed by dark colours as they are better radiators of heat. This absorption keeps potentially harmful UV rays from hitting the skin of those beneath the shade, rendering it more effective.

If you’re looking to keep those in your space more comfortable in a sunny area, darker hues are the right choice. Lighter colours like yellow, light blue, and orange are best saved for shades in already-shady areas. Such spaces may include tables that sit in the shadow of buildings or chairs that sit directly under trees.