Cobblestone pavers are extremely elegant and durable, but they are somewhat more expensive than concrete pavers. So, if you are looking for a low budget driveway or walkway, you may be better off considering concrete pavers, but if you require a more durable, attractive and unique design, it’s hard to…
As you drive or walk along cabro paving grounds, you undoubtedly get amazed at the exquisite beauty displayed by those magnificent bricks/blocks. In Kenya, concrete cabro pavings are becoming very famous for pavement surfacing, especially when people notice how long-lasting and beautiful they are.
With COBBLESTONE and concrete CABRO installation, you can be sure to attain aesthetic beauty for your compound. Advantages of Cabros over Other Floor Installation Materials Cabros are Aesthetically Pleasing and are Design-focused Depending on the price, texture, and style or shape, there are different types of cabros and different color…
Colored cabro paving blocks not only improve the aesthetic of your compound/parking area/driveway, they also prevent rainwater from gathering or flooding allowing you to create a better drainage system for your space. We supply and install high quality colored cabro/paving blocks and cobble stones in your drive way, parking lots…