Nylon ripstop is a material commonly used in outdoor gear and apparel. It is available in light, medium, and heavy weights. It is strong, resilient, and waterproof, making it suitable for products that require a lot of wear and tear but before we dive in, what exactly is Nylon Ripstop? How…
Coated Ripstop Canvas Our coated ripstop canvas is a polyester based cloth with an acrylic coating and was developed from many years of ongoing research, testing and customer feedback. Its block weave ensures strength, while its high UV resistance, waterproof and fungal resistant treatments enable the fabric to deal with the…
Ripstop is a weaving technique and not a type of material. Ripstop does not mean the material cannot rip or tear, it means the material only rips as far as a thicker, more resistant yarn in the weave. Ripstop is the technique used to weave the material whether it is…
What is ripstop fabric? Ripstop fabric is any fabric constructed using the ripstop weaving technique. The technique is recognised by its square pattern and prominent presence of thick reinforcement yarns. Does ripstop nylon fray? Yes. Ripstop is the name of a textile fibre weave technique. Most people assume that this…
What is Ripstop Fabric Ripstop is a nylon threaded material and popularly known as sport material. This is a lightweight woven fabric that is majorly used for sports activities such as parachute, campaign equipment and hot air balloon. Blended with nylon fabric, cotton, silk and polyester can also be applied to make…